Cultivating careful listening, is a skill to model, a norm to set and an opportunity to build a community where all perspectives are welcome

Never more so than now has Mental Health and Wellbeing been considered a priority for all of the school community. A school that prioritises the wellbeing of their staff and pupils and provides an environment that is rich in emotional intelligence and listens to its community, is a school that thrives.

  • Helping young people to understand who they are, how best they can communicate their needs and find motivation in life has been congruent throughout my career. I believe that in supporting young people with their emotions allows them to thrive in all areas of their life.

    I provide counselling or coaching for young people in schools. I use creative approaches that help a young person to explore what is happening in their life, counselling helps to support a young person who is experiencing trauma, or environmental factors or anxiety that is having an impact on their lives. Coaching focuses on mindset, habits or self-talk and can be particularly beneficial for exam, academic or social stresses.

  • Education staff have a more complex role than ever, they are often exposed to challenging and upsetting personal situations of the young people in their care, with an understandable obligation to be due diligent the pressure can mount. While staff perks are well received there is also a need to be heard and held, I have a decade of experience facilitating workshops, consultancy and group work in education and businesses and can offer group reflective practice, INSET workshops, personal 1:1 sessions and consultation for Heads, Governors and Senior Leadership teams that help to create supportive and harmonious teams.

    Please get in touch for bespoke services tailored to your needs.


    Tamsin has been central to raising the profile of the social and emotional wellbeing of children at Swiss Gardens. She has provided practical support by in setting up and maintaining vital strategies and improvements to the way the school works.  This work is already demonstrating a powerful impact for the children at Swiss Gardens. ​Lawrence Caughlin - Headteacher, Swiss Gardens Primary School

  • Maybe you want to launch a business

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  • Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more

    Quote Source

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

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  • New List Item

    Tamsin has been central to raising the profile of the social and emotional wellbeing of children at Swiss Gardens. She has provided practical support by in setting up and maintaining vital strategies and improvements to the way the school works.  This work is already demonstrating a powerful impact for the children at Swiss Gardens. ​

    Lawrence Caughlin - HeadteacherSwiss Gardens Primary School