Cultivating and Creating Thriving and Supportive Relationships

  • I tailor reflective practice models to suit your needs. They involve integrating elements that encourage self-reflection and reflexive thought, enabling individuals to think clearly, deeply, honestly, and constructively to develop their professional practice. I facilitate an environment whereby groups can meet regularly, guided by a supportive structure to share openly and give feedback.

  • Managing relationships effectively becomes easier when individuals have the opportunity to reflect on their own and others' needs and responsibilities. My workshops are highly interactive, incorporating a variety of creative exercises, group discussions, and reflective activities designed to foster deep personal insight and actionable strategies that encourage meaningful self reflection and enabling individuals to understand their relational dynamics better and develop strategies for effective relationship management and personal growth.

    Themes can include but are not limited to

    - Self care, Responsibility and Reflexive thought

    - Fostering a collaborative and supportive team

    - How to prevent burn out

    - Active listening - how does it feel?

    -Safeguarding and the impact on staff

    Please do get in contact to see how I can help

  • By integrating my skills as a coach and counsellor, we can work together to help you delve deeper into your life. Personal Consultancy enables you to address unresolved personal issues and achieve the goals you set for yourself. I use a holistic approach combining the goal-oriented focus of coaching with the depth and support of counselling to provide a comprehensive approach to personal development.

    Together, we can work to help you dig deeper into your life, facilitating meaningful personal growth and development.